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Edmonton Police Service

Dedicated to Protect, Proud to Serve

Violence Reduction Strategy

Fighting violent crime in our city is complex and challenging. To help combat it, we introduced the Violence Reduction Strategy in 2011. Using this strategy, we are reducing violence in Edmonton with research, intelligence, technology and partnerships.

Reduce violence to people at risk of victimization and offending, and reduce harm to vulnerable persons and communities. 

Our mission is closely linked to the EPS mission. We aim to:

  • Suppress, intervene and prevent violent crime and disorder.
  • Support people at risk of becoming victims of violent crime and disorder.
  • Assist people at risk of becoming offenders to resist violent and threatening behaviours.
  • Partner with individuals, communities and service providers to achieve a safer city.
  • Take an evidence-based approach in the development of responses to achieve the Vision.

There are three main goals that will measure the success of the Violence Reduction Strategy:

Focus and Action Steps
We have divided immediate action steps into three areas of focus:

These goals are tied directly to the EPS’s organizational priority to reduce crime and victimization. A 4% reduction target was initially set. In 2014, the performance target was revised to meet or exceed a 5% reduction for violent crime and a 4% reduction in property crimes.