Year after year, citizen calls for police service and assistance have been rising, placing increasing demands on frontline officers and challenging the Edmonton Police Service to rethink the way it operates.
In early 2019, upon arrival of Chief Dale McFee, the EPS undertook an organization review and restructuring of existing EPS resources. Known as Vision 2020, the initiative aimed to better manage service demands by balancing traditional enforcement with social supports.
Now officially complete, Vision 2020 positions EPS as a modern police service that puts community safety and well-being at the forefront while becoming more efficient in reducing crime and victimization.
At the heart of Vision 2020 and its recommendations are three fundamental concepts:
- Maintain and improve core policing functions that support community safety while reducing crime, disorder and victimization.
- Further develop relationships with external social service agencies and community partners to support individuals to break free of the arrest-release-remand cycle and divert them from the criminal justice system.
- Realign organizational structure to encourage increased collaboration, efficiency and innovation.
To learn more about accomplishments made through Vision 2020, read the Vision 2020 Review and Organization Feedback.