Since June 24, 2024, police have been receiving several reports of a scam being operated by two suspects from what appears to be a taxi cab. In the scam, the suspects reportedly work together to obtain victims’ debit cards and PIN numbers.
The first suspect, described as a white male sitting in the passenger seat of the taxi, beckons people over to ask if they would like to pay a cab fare with their debit card in return for cash. The second suspect, described as a South Asian male sitting in the driver’s seat, then processes the payment, getting the victims to enter their PIN into what appears to be a debit machine. Then, while the passenger male distracts the victim, the driver switches their debit card and returns a different one.
The suspect vehicle is described as a newer white Ford Fusion with no identifying decals other than a “taxi” sign on the roof.

Suspect vehicle
Anyone who was approached by the suspects or victimized by this fraud is asked to contact the EPS at 780-423-4567 or #377 from a mobile phone. Anonymous information can also be submitted to Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or online at