Welcome to the Edmonton Police Service Citizen Online Police Reporting Service.
The Edmonton Police Service encourages citizens and visitors to our city to report all crimes that occur in Edmonton.
If this is a life-threatening situation, or a crime in progress, dial 911 immediately.
To start your online report, select the appropriate incident type from below. Please ensure the information you enter is accurate or your report will be returned for clarification. For more information, please see the Frequently Asked Questions.
Definition: Someone entered or tried to enter your detached garage / shed / fenced compound without your permission. Property may or may not have been stolen.
Examples: Detached garage door kicked in and tools, bikes, etc. may have been stolen. |
Definition: Someone has vandalized or defaced your property.
Examples: Rock thrown through a house window, smashed exterior light on house |
Definition: Someone has vandalized or defaced your vehicle.
Examples: Slashed tires; keyed exterior of vehicle |
Definition: Your possessions are lost or missing.
Examples: Leaving personal items in a restaurant; lost wallet or purse |
Definition: Property was taken from your vehicle without your permission (excluding license plates).
Examples: Stereo, auto accessories, vehicle parts stolen from a vehicle |
Definition: Something you or your business owns is taken without your consent. Lost property is not a theft. If someone entered your closed shed, fenced compound or detached garage, please use the Break and Enter report type above.
Examples: Bike stolen out of your yard; cell phone stolen from a locker |
The personal information in this online report will be collected, used and disclosed for the purposes outlined in Sections 33 to 43 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIPP) Act and other legal requirements where they are consistent with the FOIPP Act. If you have any questions regarding the collection of information, contact the Edmonton Police Service, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Unit, 9620 – 103 A Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, T5H 0H7.