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Edmonton Police Service

Dedicated to Protect, Proud to Serve

Success Stories

Below is a list of stories and articles about the Diversion and Desistance (D+D) Branch.

D&D Success Story - November 9

The work our Integrated Offender Management (IOM) officers do for offenders is gradual, as changing behaviours and lifestyles is only successful if we are patient.

D&D Success Story - October 29

Earlier this year, we shared a story of a Diversion and Desistance client who had been working with our Integrated Offender Management (IOM) unit since July 2020.

D&D Success Story - October 18

Diversion and Desistance focuses on moving our city’s most prolific and persistent offenders away from a life of crime.

D&D Success Story - August 17

Diversion and Desistance Branch’s Warrant Apprehension and Diversion Unit (WADU) attended the residence of an offender who had outstanding warrants.

D&D Success Story - August 3

A male started working with EPS’ Integrated Offender Management (IOM) in July 2020 while he was incarcerated.

D&D Success Story - June 30

We recently had a male who was referred to our Behavioural Assessment Unit (BAU).

D&D Success Story - June 9

In August last year, a woman was referred to our Integrated Offender Management Unit (IOM).
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